Tuesday, September 28, 2010

Breakfast for Fuss-Pots

My FP daughter has french toast for breakfast pretty much every day. I don't mind as I figure eggs and high fibre bread are a good start to the day. But I have discovered an alternative which has been a huge hit. Drop Scones. I have no idea what makes these different to pikelets, but drop scones they are. My recipe is from the now much recently quoted on blogs Nursing Mothers Association of Australia "Recipes for busy mothers".

1/2 cup wholemeal flour
4 tablespoons powdered milk
11/2 teaspoons baking powder
1/2 cup milk
1/2 teaspoon salt
1 tablespoon golden syrup, sugar or honey
1 egg

Heat frypan and grease lightly. Mix all ingredients together. Drop tablespoonfuls on to greased frypan, cook until mixture bubbles, then turn to other side until brown.

This morning I added some psyllium husk for a little bit of extra help for my literally anally retentive girl. We usually top with jam, honey or even vegemite. Guarantees full tummies in out house!

1 comment:

emma @ frog, goose and bear said...

Yum! - Can i come over for breakfast at your house every morning? French toast is my favourite breakfast food too! We'll have to give the drop scones a go - do you use the powdered milk every time?

Why not link in to my easy peasy meals? doesn't always have to be a dinner meal.