If you can't find the self-discipline to floss your teeth regularly, meditate, or keep the herbs and spices in the right order, it pretty much only affects you. But when it comes to parenting, if you "can't be bothered" with something you are messing with someone's future capacity to function successfully in society. Let me illustrate.
Humans require food. Without food we die. So a good parent who does not want their child to expire desires their child to eat. So a parent with a child who refuses to eat what is supposed to be the "best" food, at the "best" time sitting at the "best" place would understand the temptation to let their child stuff their mouth whilst under the trance of the (whisper) television. If you don't have a child such as this, you will be appalled at this point and will probably never come back to my blog, except to show your other perfect friends what bad parents actually look like.
Anyway, I decided that maybe it was time to crack down on this practice. I was having flash-forwards to images of my grossly obese girls at 24/22 years of age watching whatever the equivalent is of Twilight in 2030 on the couch with a plate of rice cakes, cheese sticks and Tic Tocs. Not to mention how sick I was of crumbs on the floor. So I reintroduced the rule of no food in the lounge room which, as I explained to my 4 year old, I had forgotten about... "silly Mummy!", I said with a forced laugh.
It's working out great. Now they get exercise too as they run back and forth from the kitchen table to have a bite and then run back to the TV. Genius parenting.
Ahhh you crack me up!! I can visualise all of that - the silly mummy forgot, the running back and forth. We are trying to have a food in the kitchen rule. I think I say 'food in the kitchen' about 100 times a day and we have been doing it for months!!! I must admit it has generally reduced mess in the house (but not completely) and I hope that long term it will be beneficial. I guess by now I would have hoped we'd be at the 'food at the table' mantra but we haven't got there yet!!! All the best. Lou.
that is just so funny kate. that's great exercise! maybe if you put the food on the table in the backyard, they'll get even more exercise.
honest posts like this are my absolute favourite. makes us all feel normal! i often tell myself that i must use that rule......
I just get signed outrage from Tuscan if I try to take away the tv. Sometimes I can trick him into eating while I work overtime to keep him engaged, but rarely.
hi Kate ... I have a munchkin who often seems to eat best while simultaneously watching "in the night garden" ... so I completely understand your dilemma. I have a little table & chair in the living room near her books & toys, but unfortunately it is also in prime TV dinner position! it's a struggle some days:)
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